1530 Commonwealth Business Dr, Tallahassee FL 32303


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Homemetry does not offer consumer reports and this data is drawn from public records as of October 2022.

1. Office Space

Discover a variety of office space to lease in Tallahassee by browsing available listings and connecting with property owners to inquire further about them. MLS listings are updated daily so you’re bound to find something suitable.

Beck Partners CRE is pleased to offer for lease this professional two-story office building located near Kerry Forest Pkwy and Thomasville Road in Northeast Tallahassee. Within one mile are both Tallahassee Memorial Hospital and Capital Regional Medical Center – providing ample street parking spaces nearby.

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2. Warehouse

1530 Commonwealth Business Dr is located in Tallahassee, Florida and available for lease. Built in 2012, this space covers 24,060 square feet. CompStak currently lists an agreement signed in 2011.

Homemetry makes searching properties on this street easy. Find owner contact details, building history information, price and neighborhood details as well as homes available for sale or rent in the area by simply clicking an address to access more details. White residents make up the largest ethnic group while Black are second in numbers – both earning average household incomes of $60,376 annually in this neighborhood.

3. Storage

Property Description: Situated on the west side of Sharer Road near Fulton Road and Magnolia and Mahan Drive intersections, this location provides an ideal environment for retail, office or warehouse use.

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4. Retail

1530 Commonwealth Business Dr, Tallahassee FL 32303 was constructed as a retail space and currently has one lease comp available on CompStak.

The average price per square foot in this area is $20 and its majority ethnic group is White; average household income in the area is $60,376 while most common language spoken is English with 3 schools available and an annual property tax bill averaging $42,766/yr.

Click any street below to discover more information about properties on that street, including owner names, deed records, property taxes and mortgage info pertaining to that address. Homemetry also makes this search option available.